Baseball Softball Federation of India

The Federation was established in November 2020. A team of veterans and youngsters from the Indian baseball and softball community has decided to unite to form the Baseball Softball Federation of India. We believe that Indian baseball and softball lack resources and support not because these resources are not available but due to mismanagement and lack of governance. Our motive behind creating the Baseball Softball Federation of India is to furnish a friendly environment to attract business and sponsorship, improve the standard of coaching, increase participation and hold active dialogue with key government agencies and the Indian Olympic Association to attract more support for the sport of baseball and softball in India.

The organization comprises 25 affiliated state units. We count among our members esteemed members of ABFI, Softball Association of India, Grand Slam Baseball, players, coaches, and members from several grassroots baseball organizations. We also have support from the former President and Vice President of ABFI. We believe that a good combination of veteran members from current associations, young professionals, and grassroots agencies working together will allow for a meteoric rise of baseball and softball in India. The organization also complies with the norms stated in the Indian sports code.

Baseball and softball in India still have very little government support and public recognition. Combining baseball and softball into one unit allows for better compatibility with WBSC, which has united the sport of baseball and softball in the Olympics. As part of our early steps, we have already applied to Indian Olympic Association for recognition in India.